
Welcome to
Los Montoyas

What Brings You Here Today?
I'm Feeling Lonely
I have shared real life stories from my life so you know you are not unseen, unheard, or alone. -
Why do Bad Things Happen
I couldn't tell you why they happen, but I can share with you how we got through some really tough times. -
Help Me With My Household
I can't come clean your house for you, but I share with you the practices we use to manage Casa De Montoya. -
I Need Help Talking With My Kid
I've got a few tools for you to help you as you navigate conversations with your kids. -
I'm Bored
I've been there and I've done a million silly crafts and cooked a lot of food. -
I Need A Laugh
I love laughter and I love sharing it with others.
More From Me
My most valuable story is my own #WriteYourStory
While we don’t use banner ads and pop-up ads we do use affiliate links on this website. If you click on these links we receive a commission but you are not charged any additional fees. We do occasionally get compensated to write honest feedback on products and services, this will not incur additional cost to you. While not all of our links are affiliate let’s make it easy on both of us and assume that all of them are.
We don’t use banner ads and pop-up ads. We will NOT link to a product or service that we do not have personal experience with. I hate going to a website and being bombarded with ads on the sidebars and banners across the bottom of my screen. I find it visually assaulting and hard to focus on the information that is being communicated in the article. We personally believe in connecting and encouraging through stories and so we don’t want to do anything that will distract from those stories. We want the content to be the most important thing we share with you. We believe that if we are talking about a specific product or service that a direct link to it within the article does not distract or violate the integrity of the stories we are sharing.
Thank you for visiting our site and we hope you leave encouraged and uplifted.
So You Want to Work With Me
So You Want To Work With Us
My Personality
As an Enneagram 5, I enjoy the journey of expertise in many fields. My Myers Briggs personality type is INFJ which I share with Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Mother Theresa.
The Podcast
In this bi-monthly FREE podcast I share tools for conversations with your kids and interviews with parents who are knocking it out of the ballpark.
Freelancing Course
Jason has been a successful freelancer for many years, discover his secrets in this online course via Skillshare: How To Flourish In Freelancing - 8 Steps To Long-Term Success
Product Promoting
Do you have a product you want to be promoted? Or something you think my next DIY project needs?
Book Marketing
Jason has a wealth of marketing and freelance knowledge. He has spoken for many events both in the States and Internationally, Digitally and In Person.
More From Us
As bloggers, Jason and I have established affiliate marketing partnerships. This means we get commissions for referring you to the software and service of other companies.
We don't push products just for the money. We are interested in finding awesome companies and tools - that we have experience with - and referring you to them. The following resources fit these requirements.
- Design Pickle (Practically Unlimited Design For A Flat Monthly Rate)
- Freeeup (Quality Vetted Freelancers)
- Harpoon (Invoices and finance management for freelancers and agencies)
- Pipeline Deals (CRM and sales pipeline management)
- Animoto (easily create compelling videos)
- Timecamp (Tracking your time and run reports)
- Grammarly (Make your writing better and error free)
- InMotion Hosting (Employee owned website hosting)
About Me
When I was a young girl my sister would read books to me and I remember sitting on her bed riveted by the tales and completely honored by her attention. I would sneak into the storage room and just look at all her old Nancy Drew and Little house on the Prairie books that were destine to be mine when I learned how to read. Then one day she read me a story that changed my world. It was a fictional story she had written. I knew as I listened to her weave a tale about an underwater world and a mermaid that I too wanted to write. I wanted to give life to the imaginary worlds that spun around in my head. With a new purpose I study my reading lessons and my vocabulary words each day waiting until I could be in the fourth grade and write just like her.
Most of my writing is fictional and a lot of it just for fun. I had once big dreams of becoming a famous author. I spent much of my teen life hiding behind my stories and living through them processing the harsh world around me by putting my characters through the things I had to deal with and seeing how they fared, finding hope that if I could write a happy ending I could find a happy ending. It was my fictional writing I always thought had a value, never my raw real heart felt truthful writing. God took me on a journey though, and showed me my most valuable story is my own because it is a part of His story. My journey is a journey with Him. Each day, every day, long before I ever knew it was Him, He was there. Calling me, speaking to me. He guided me through the challenges and held me close through my trials, even as I doubted him and cried out at the injustice of the world.
I will at times share funny fictional writing just for fun because it still does help me process things in a different light, but I will also share true stories. Look for traces of my sister in all my fictional writing, because her friendship and love have been invaluable to me, and because it was her who first put the seed of storytelling in my heart. I’ll also share my journey in motherhood and being a wife and just plain old living out this walk with Christ in our inventive and creative ways, because we as a family love to craft and cook.