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2019 Books

Books I'm Reading in 2019

These are the books I've read so far this year and a list of the ones I hope to finish before the year is up. These are my honest opinions with affiliate links to purchase the books for yourself if you are interested.

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My Family and Other Animals & Birds Beast and Relatives - Gerald Durrell

These two books were wildly entertaining and overall fun reads. I have always wanted to travel the world, but alas I am a bit of a coward. Gerald Durrell’s tales of his family’s time living abroad fed my desire to learn and see other cultures. I’m awestruck by the simplicity of a different time when a child could roam through nature unattended and at leisure. It made me feel as if I was perhaps born in the wrong time.

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Circle Maker & Draw the Circle - Mark Batterson

I read Circle maker the week after Christmas and did the 40 day devotional for the new year. Ever so slightly repetitive when done in close succession like that, but I can say that I have experienced the fruit of some of my prayer circles already. I had been feeling the effects of Rust Out (the opposite of burn out) and was slowly getting demoralized in my role as Stay at Home Mom. The Conversation Journal and the Conversation Podcast are both things that were circled in prayer and are starting to play out in my life.

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The 49th Mystic & Rise of the Mystics - Ted Dekker

I have a love-hate relationship with Ted Dekker. Some of his stuff is just too dark for me, but the stuff that isn’t dark is great! It is very cerebral and probably not a casual read. Like all of his work, you’ll have to be comfortable going deeper and thinking hard. I watched a creative writing Masterclass with Ted Dekker and he said he writes to learn about himself and the world, this made these books make sense in a new light. Not as dark as many of his other books, but just as psychological.

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Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell

I love the movie and have always wanted to read the book, but it is huge and makes my wrists sore holding it for too long. I had a free Audible book so I got this one. Thirty-Seven hours long! I repainted the entire house listening to this book. I loved it, however, there is a particular N-word that is used frequently that had major shock value for me every time I heard it. I don’t think it would have been so shocking had I read it because I would have glazed over the word, but you can’t do that when it’s an audiobook. I know it is a period piece and it was written nearly 100 years ago but I was still unsettled by the word use.

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Boundaries - John Townsend and Henry Cloud

Who really has good boundaries? Well, not me. I used to have better boundaries, but then I went through my depression and I have had a hard time struggling with guilt as I’ve tried to reestablish boundaries in my life. This book was helpful and empowering and definitely a book to keep around and read over again..

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Irresistible - Andy Stanley

I was sitting in church when Andy preached the sermon that caused all the controversy. I stay away from news and news related sites so I had no clue about all the drama it caused. One day Jason was telling me about an interaction he had with someone about it and he asked what my opinion was and I was completely clueless. I had no clue why anyone would be offended, but then again I came from the target population of unchurched people. Since I not only attend a church where Andy Stanley is a primary teaching pastor I also serve children at one of the churches I figured I should read the book and see what all the fuss was about. I LOVED the book. I think every single Christian should read it. Since I was on the outside looking in Andy hits on so many of the things that I have struggled with “the church” in my journey. If you have criticized the sermon series you need to read the book. If you are looking to be angry and annoyed than you won't make it past chapter 2, but if you do you will be benefited from everything you read! The people who want to be offended, well they won't get past chapter 2 and they’ll misunderstand everything and then tell people they read the book and misrepresent everything as well. So if you do read it, you have to finish it otherwise you will continue to be a part of the problem, if you don’t think there is a problem then you are entirely out of tune with the generation and times we live in. Must Read!

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Pride and Prejudice & Emma & Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen

I read Pride and Prejudice once a year. It is one of my all-time favorite books. It has been a long time since I read the other two books so I thought I’d read them again. I like Emma too, but Sense and Sensibility drags on a little. I like the story but it gets a little slow in the middle. For Pride and Prejudice, I got in on Audible this year and really enjoyed this listening experience. Being the true nerd that I am, I have been fascinated by how the rise of literacy changed cultures and the memorization skills in our brain. I have enjoyed listening to books that I have read a million times and seeing how listening engages a different part of my brain. I want to be a better listener, so I’m trying to stretch my listening “muscle” a little this year.

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Harry Potter the Entire Series - JK Rowlings

This was one of the books series that I was familiar with and chose for my listening vs reading experiment. Being grown and knowing JK Rowling’s life story I felt like this time going through the books really helped me to see them on a deeper level. It is a marvelous coming of age story written by someone who was herself coming of age as she wrote the books. If you have never read the books, I highly recommend reading about Rowling’s life story first, it will affect your perspective as you read and, I think, make it more enjoyable.

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I Said This You Heard That - Kathleen Edelman

We did this study with our Small Group with Gwinnett Church. It was a ton of fun. I am a near-even split between Blue and Red. I have always known I lean more towards being a task person than a people person, but this study confirmed it. While there are ton of uses for the temperaments this particular study focused on how it colors our communication. I liked this particular angle on the study and found it useful in helping me modify my communication when talking with my husband who is a complete opposite of me

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Different - Sally and Joel Clarkson

This book was truly amazing. Sally and her son Nathan were real and vulnerable about their struggles together as they navigated Nathan’s disorders growing up (OCD, ADHA, ODD, ect). Even if you don’t have a different child this book is a great read, it really ministered to my mom heart. If you don’t think this book has anything you might be interested in, you NEED to read chapter 8. This chapter has an amazing story from Sally and Joel that ALL our children will face at some point and the conversation between the mother and son was groundbreaking and mindset changing for me. The fact is everyone who has a faith in Jesus is going to struggle with this, and yet it is my greatest fear as a parent that my children would struggle in this way. Sally’s honest and candid response to her son at this moment should be a witness and an example for all parents in how to handle this when it comes our way. I will most definitely be reading this book again as I’m sure there are more nuggets of wisdom that I didn’t take in on my first time through.

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We Need to Talk - Celeste Headlee

We listened to this on a road trip in one sitting. I will probably need to come back to it next year and relisten to it at a slower pace. For me the most memorable take away I got from the book was that listening is a vital conversation skill. I don’t know if we have a talking problem these days I’m sure it is a listening problem.

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The Art Of Conflict Management - Michael Dues

I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (counseling management) over 10 years ago and I have been a stay at home mom for most of that time. I took this course all those years ago and this was a great refresher. I enjoyed it this time because I wasn’t stressed out about partner projects, grades, and working full time. It was empowering as well and helped me to remember I do know this stuff and, as I’ve struggled with Rust Out recently, that I am not useless.

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Dare to Lead - Brene Brown

My favorite quote from the book “Your mind might hurt for a while but that’s good.” Brene is honest as always and she doesn’t pull and punches. I really enjoyed this book, and while it stands on its own, I do want to go back and read Braving the Wilderness and some of her other books now. I am not a vulnerability master by any means and I was raised to suck it up and shy away from it. Reframing my mind and digging up lies from my childhood is not an easy process but this book was encouraging and gave me some tools to keep moving forward. I was particularly interested in the classroom applications of this work. I may not homeschool anymore but innovative education is a passion and interest of mine. For all you teachers out there who find Brene’s work to be beautiful and who want to create Daring Classrooms she has a section of her website with FREE resources dedicated to just for teachers.

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Next Up

I Didn’t See it Coming - Carey Nieuwhof

Jason finished it last year now it's my turn.

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Talking to Strangers - Malcolm Gladwell

I've got it on pre-order!

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The Lost Art of Listening - Michael Nichols

Might be a 2020 read

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Thanks for the Feedback - Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone

Might be a 2020 read

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The Art of Storytelling - Hannah B Harvey

Might be a 2020 read

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Los Montoyas 

Welcome to my site! I am a stay at home mom of a large family. I never imagined being a stay at home mom and for a long time I struggled with feeling alone and not good enough, I still do sometimes. Through talking with other moms I’ve come to realize these are feelings we all battle and I’m here to share my story and the story of other remarkable moms - working and stay at home alike - to help battle those insecurities. I hope you enjoy what you read.

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  • I'm Feeling Lonely

    I have shared real life stories from my life so you know you are not unseen, unheard, or alone.

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  • Why do Bad Things Happen

    I couldn't tell you why they happen, but I can share with you how we got through some really tough times.

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  • Help Me With My Household

    I can't come clean your house for you, but I share with you the practices we use to manage Casa De Montoya.

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  • I Need Help Talking With My Kid

    I've got a few tools for you to help you as you navigate conversations with your kids.

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  • I'm Bored

    I've been there and I've done a million silly crafts and cooked a lot of food.

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  • I Need A Laugh

    I love laughter and I love sharing it with others.

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My most valuable story is my own #WriteYourStory
Cait Montoya

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So You Want to Work With Me

So You Want To Work With Us

  • My Personality

    As an Enneagram 5, I enjoy the journey of expertise in many fields. My Myers Briggs personality type is INFJ which I share with Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Mother Theresa.

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  • The Podcast

    In this bi-monthly FREE podcast I share tools for conversations with your kids and interviews with parents who are knocking it out of the ballpark. 

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  • Freelancing Course

    Jason has been a successful freelancer for many years, discover his secrets in this online course via Skillshare: How To Flourish In Freelancing - 8 Steps To Long-Term Success

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Product Promoting

Do you have a product you want to be promoted? Or something you think my next DIY project needs? 

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Book Marketing

Writing the book is probably the easy part. Once it’s done you’ve got cover art and marketing to do. I can help you layout a book launch plan, or I can do it for you. As a writer myself, I can value your creative vision in a deeper way than other marketing firms.

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Jason has a wealth of marketing and freelance knowledge. He has spoken for many events both in the States and Internationally, Digitally and In Person. 

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Jason and I have a passion for helping entrepreneurs build sustainable and growing companies. As an Enneagram 5, I enjoying becoming a specialist in you and your company. My unique ability to gather information and remain objective allows me to help you push through growth barriers and change team dynamics that may be holding you back.

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We don't push products just for the money. We are interested in finding awesome companies and tools - that we have experience with - and referring you to them. The following resources fit these requirements. 

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About Me

When I was a young girl my sister would read books to me and I remember sitting on her bed riveted by the tales and completely honored by her attention. I would sneak into the storage room and just look at all her old Nancy Drew and Little house on the Prairie books that were destine to be mine when I learned how to read. Then one day she read me a story that changed my world. It was a fictional story she had written. I knew as I listened to her weave a tale about an underwater world and a mermaid that I too wanted to write. I wanted to give life to the imaginary worlds that spun around in my head. With a new purpose I study my reading lessons and my vocabulary words each day waiting until I could be in the fourth grade and write just like her.

MY most valuable story

Most of my writing is fictional and a lot of it just for fun. I had once big dreams of becoming a famous author. I spent much of my teen life hiding behind my stories and living through them processing the harsh world around me by putting my characters through the things I had to deal with and seeing how they fared, finding hope that if I could write a happy ending I could find a happy ending. It was my fictional writing I always thought had a value, never my raw real heart felt truthful writing. God took me on a journey though, and showed me my most valuable story is my own because it is a part of His story. My journey is a journey with Him. Each day, every day, long before I ever knew it was Him, He was there. Calling me, speaking to me. He guided me through the challenges and held me close through my trials, even as I doubted him and cried out at the injustice of the world.

I will at times share funny fictional writing just for fun because it still does help me process things in a different light, but I will also share true stories. Look for traces of my sister in all my fictional writing, because her friendship and love have been invaluable to me, and because it was her who first put the seed of storytelling in my heart. I’ll also share my journey in motherhood and being a wife and just plain old living out this walk with Christ in our inventive and creative ways, because we as a family love to craft and cook.

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About Jason